Hearing aids can offer many benefits to those with hearing loss. However, it can take a bit of time to fully experience all that they have to offer. If you are new to hearing aids, let’s examine four ways you can increase your confidence when wearing your device.
Fight Hearing Aid Stigma

The first barrier to getting people to experience hearing aid benefits is convincing them to get hearing aids in the first place. Many with hearing loss worry about the stigma that comes along with it. Studies have shown that hearing loss stigma is strongly associated with feelings of altered self-perception. Potential hearing aid users worry others will view them as old or less capable if they find out they have hearing loss.
However modern hearing aids are small, discrete and offer a myriad of technological features, not to mention health benefits. Try focusing on all you have to gain by treating your hearing loss and reframing hearing aids as something positive.
Make Sure Your Hearing Aid Fits Right
After getting hearing aids you’ll go through a fitting process with your audiologist. During this time be open about how things feel. While it’s normal to be aware that something is in your ear, it should never hurt.
Having properly fitted hearing aids will be more comfortable and effective than those that don’t fit well. Also, be sure you know how to correctly remove and put in your hearing aids by yourself before taking them home.
Give Yourself Time to Adjust to a New Way of Hearing
Some people get hearing aids and immediately expect to experience perfect hearing. The reality is that often times sounds can seem overly loud and high-pitched at first. This can be overwhelming, and it takes your brain and your ears a bit of time to get used to hearing in a different way.
Take things slowly. Don’t rush out to loud environments like bowling night at Southland Lanes. Try having one-on-one conversations with your partner or a close friend in a quiet setting and see how things go. Be patient and wear your device consistently. The more regularly you wear it, the quicker you will adjust.
Ask Your Audiologist for Help
While growing pains are a natural part of the hearing aid process, if you are experiencing painful sounds or intense discomfort, call your audiologist. It’s likely your settings need to be adjusted to better meet your needs. Your audiologist and other hearing experts are there to help give you the best quality hearing possible. Don’t be afraid to let them know when something doesn’t feel right.
If you would like additional information on hearing aids or wish to schedule an appointment with one of our experts, call The Hearing & Speech Center today.