“My journey of seeking assistance with hearing began over 10 years ago. It started with misunderstandings whenever my family asked me questions. I could hear them talk, but could not clearly hear their words. I was determined to persist in trying to hear.
During that same time period, I was speaking at a national event in Washington, D.C. in a large hotel ballroom. There were, perhaps, 500 people in the room horizontally arranged. I concluded my remarks and opened the floor for questions and answers. I was frustrated as I strained to hear the questions asked from the far corners of the room and could not understand what they were asking. A friend on the platform rescued me by telling me what they were asking. I became determined at that moment that I had to seek medical help with my hearing. I pursued medical attention and was told that I had a depreciated hearing situation and that hearing technology would address my problem. I was diligent trying to get accustomed to the devices that were prescribed, which were the large, in-ear instruments. I struggled with the cosmetics of the large instruments and the lack of quality hearing for several years.
After a medical examination by ENT professionals, I was referred to Hearing & Speech Center (HSC). My audiologist at HSC had a reservoir of practical experience that she applied to my hearing impairment. What was the result?
I was fitted with new instruments that were state-of-the-art and instantly my hearing was vastly improved. Over the years, I experienced various challenges regarding the fit of my hearing instruments. My audiologist worked patiently with me to find the right solution. She not only helped me gain the perfect fit, but continued to adjust the instruments until I was hearing normally in all situations, which were varied.
My job requires that I attend many meetings in many rooms of different acoustics. My audiologist worked through every one of those situations and adjusted my instruments to real life responses. Today, I have a normal everyday hearing experience. My family and those who I work with are grateful for this hearing correction.
Anyone that has difficulty hearing and interpreting sounds and speech should contact Hearing & Speech Center to begin their journey back to better hearing.”
– Audiology Patient, Ray M.