There is no storage of products on the market promising to help you look younger. Because of our eternal quest for youth, it is not surprising that items commonly associated with old age, like canes, walkers and even hearing aids are only used when absolutely necessary. Fortunately, with the advancement in digital technology, hearing aids may be shedding their long-held stigma, which can help those with hearing loss improve their quality of life.
Who Is Seeking Treatment?

Hearing loss is the third most common physical condition in the United States behind only arthritis and heart disease. A 2019 longitudinal study found that almost 50% of American adults over the age of 60 experience hearing loss. Unfortunately, only about 20% of those with hearing loss seek help.
While the cost of hearing aids may play a role in these numbers, experts suspect the largest reason many elect not to seek treatment for their hearing loss is that they don’t want to look old. But what do you think makes you look older, a small device tucked behind your ear or having to ask the cashier at Good Foods Co-op to repeat themselves because you can’t hear their question over the background noise of the busy store?
Hearing Aids Have Evolved
If you are worried about having to trade style for your ability to hear, we have good news. Modern hearing aids are nothing like the big and bulky devices you remember your grandparents struggling to wear. The hearing aids on the market now are created with an eye for design. These sleek electronic devices look more like stylish wearable tech than medical devices.
Hearing aids are even available in a wide variety of styles. Some sit completely within your ear canal and are practically invisible.
Why Treatment Is Important
Choosing to seek treatment is important, as hearing aids do a lot more than simply improve your ability to hear. They can increase your physical and mental health and improve your overall quality of life. Untreated hearing loss can accelerate brain function decline and lead to feelings of depression, anxiety and loneliness. To learn more about why you should seek treatment for your hearing loss, schedule an appointment with an expert today at The Hearing & Speech Center.