What Type of Hearing Aid Should You Choose?

Picking the right hearing aid for you can be challenging, as there are a number of types and styles to choose from. That’s where the experts at The Hearing & Speech Center come in. Below is a breakdown of the different types of hearing aids and what you should look for when making your selection….
Hearing Loss and Kidney Disease

Hearing loss has been linked to a long list of diseases and disorders. New research suggests that chronic kidney disease may be another illness that can increase your risk of developing hearing loss. What Is Kidney Disease? Your kidneys are responsible for filtering waste and extra fluid from your body. If your kidneys become damaged,…
What You Wanted to Know About Hearing Aid Repair

Hearing aids are built to last. But spending more than 15 hours a day in an inhospitable environment can take its toll on even the best-designed device. Fortunately, simple repairs can be completed quickly right in our office, while more complicated issues require help from an expert technician at the manufacturer. Understanding the types of…
How to Communicate with Those Who Have Hearing Loss

Keeping up a conversation when all parties involved have normal hearing is hard enough, but add hearing loss into the mix and everything becomes more challenging. Below is an outline of tips and tricks for communicating with someone who has mild to moderate hearing loss. Good Lighting Lip reading, body language and facial expressions are…
How Can Childhood Hearing Loss Affect Vocabulary?

Identifying childhood hearing loss is important, as when left untreated, children’s development of speech, language and social skills can suffer. In 2000, the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) guidelines were created to make sure all children got the help they needed. Recently researchers were interested in the impact of this policy on children, especially…